DPRK media reported on 23 April that Kim Cho’ng-il made his first reported visit to the Najin Shipyard. Yonhap reports: Kim “provided field guidance to the Rajin Shipyard” in the North’s northeastern port of Rajin, […]
With a 40-minute magic show at May Day Stadium, the DPRK began the final countdown to April 2012 which will mark the 100th anniversary of Kim Il-so’ng’s birth and a declaration of success in kangsong […]
The 4th session (plenum) of the 12th Supreme People’s Assembly [SPA] convened Thursday [7 April] at the Mansudae Assembly Hall in Pyongyang. Neither Kim Cho’ng-il nor Kim Cho’ng-u’n attended the meeting. Defying the speculative pronouncements […]
Wednesday [16 February] marked Kim Cho’ng-il’s birthday. In the Party History Institute’s official chronicle, Kim Cho’ng-il was born February 1942 in a wooden house near Mt. Paektu. Unofficial accounts say that KCI was born in […]
The complete text for the Joint New Year’s Editorial can be found at Northeast Asia Matters. The DPRK media has printed and broadcast the 2011 Joint New Year’s Editorial. The editorial underscores kangsong taeguk and […]
Kim Yong-chun (VMar), NDC Vice Chairman and Minister of the People’s Armed Forces, said that the DPRK and KPA “are fully ready to start a sacred war based on the nuclear deterrent at a time […]
According to the ROK Unification Ministry, Kim Chong-il has made 148 visits in 2010. 58 of those tours were to economic locales in the DPRK. KCI has been reported by the DPRK media as having […]