The 5 February edition of Rodong Sinmun has two editorials encouraging upright behavior and decrying corruption and abuse of power among North Korean officials and cadres. The 30th meeting of the Workers’ Party of Korea […]
North Korea made a series of personnel changes during the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) 11th plenary session, held December 23-December 27. Although some analyses make far too much of the correlation between personnel and […]
The fourth and final day of the 7th plenary meeting of the 8th Workers’ Party of Korea [WPK] Central Committee was held at the conference hall of the Central Committee Office Building on 1 March […]
The Workers’ Party of Korea [WPK] 8th Central Committee Political Bureau held its 14th meeting in Pyongyang on 1 March (Wednesday). In attendance were Presidium, Members and alternate (candidate) members of the Political Bureau. Two […]
A meeting commemorating the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of the DPRK Constitution was held at Mansudae Assembly Hall on 26 December (Monday). According to DPRK state media, the meeting “marked a significant occasion which […]
The ROK Ministry of Unification [MOU] recently provided an update to the personnel of North Korea’s power organizations. Below, please find a selection of power organizations and their current personnel. Political Bureau Presidium KJU […]
Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) and his wife Ri Sol Ju (Ri So’l-chu) attended a concert at Mansudae Art Theater in central Pyongyang on Tuesday (16 February) to mark the Day of the Shining Star, […]