North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

KJU Visits Wo’nsan-Kalma Tourist Zone Construction

KJU’s last observed appearance was his visit to a railway construction project in Kangwo’n Province DPRK state media reported on May 26 (Saturday) that Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) toured the construction of the Wo’nsan-Kalma […]

May, 26

Kim Jong Un Visits a Railway Construction Site in Kangwo’n

KJU’s last observed appearance was his attendance and chairing of the 1st expanded meeting of the 7th WPK Central Military Commission, on or around May 18 DPRK state media reported on May 25 (Friday) that […]

May, 25

Forestry and Environmental Officials Meet

A meeting of environmental protection and forestry officials was held at People’s Palace of Culture in Pyongyang on February 21 (Wednesday).  Among those attending the meeting were DPRK Premier and State Affairs Commission Vice Chairman […]

Feb, 23

PPJ Visits Construction of Wo’nsan Tourist Zone

DPRK state media reported on February 12 (Monday) that Premier and State Affairs Commission Vice Chairman Pak Pong Ju [Pak Pong-chun] visited the construction of the Wo’nsan-Kalma tourist zone.  Pak toured the construction site and […]

Feb, 13

Cabinet Plenary Meeting 2018

An expanded plenary meeting of the DPRK Cabinet was held on or around January 19, 2018.  DPRK Premier Pak Pong Ju [Pak Pong-chu], Cabinet Ministers and Commission Chairs attended the meeting.  Also in attendance as observers […]

Feb, 05

Sep’o Stockbreeding Zone Opened

A ceremony was held on October 27 (Friday) to formally open the Sep’o Stockbreeding Zone in Kangwo’n Province.  Development of the stockbreeding area was initially an expansion of pre-existing stock farms whose construction was ordered […]

Oct, 31

DPRK Premier Visits Wo’nsan and Sep’o Stockbreeding zone

DPRK state media reported on November 19 (Thursday) that DPRK Premier Pak Pong Ju visited the city of Wo’nsan and toured the Sep’o stockbreeding zone in Kangwo’n Province.  Pak toured construction work in Wo’nsan and, […]

Nov, 19


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