North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

80 Day Battle Kick Off at Pyongyang Meeting

The 80-Day Battle (Campaign) launched with a large army-people solidarity rally in Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang on 12 October.  Attending the rally from the platform were DPRK Premier Kim Tok Hun (Kim Tok-hun), Korean Workers’ Party [KWP] Vice Chairman Pak Pong Ju (Pak Pong-chu), KWP Organization Guidance Department Director Kim Jae Ryong (Kim Ch’ae-ryong), KWP Vice Chairman and Propaganda and Agitation (Information and Publicity) Department Director Ri Il Hwan, KWP Vice Chairman and Workers’ and Social Organizations Department Director Choe Hwi (Ch’oe Hwi), KWP Vice Chairman and Department Director Pak Thae Dok (Pak T’ae-dok), DPRK Vice Premier and State Planning Commission Chairman Kim Il Chol (Kim Il-ch’o’l), Minister of the People’s Armed Forces Gen. Kim Jong Gwan (Kim Cho’ng-gwan), Pyongyang party boss Kim Yong Hwan (Kim Yo’ng-hwan), Public Security senior official Gen. Ri Yong Gil (Ri Yo’ng-gil), DPRK Vice Premier and Minister of Agriculture Ko In Ho (Ko In-ho), Vice Chief of the KPA General Staff Col. Gen. Kim Song Chol (Kim So’ng-ch’o’l) and other senior officials of Party, Cabinet ministries and commissions, national institutions and administrative units and merited workers residing in Pyongyang.  Attending the rally in the crowd were a variety of Pyongyangites from city and district (kuyo’k)-level productions units of factories, commercial enterprises, farms and officers and service members of the KPA and Public Security.

Pak Pong Ju delivered a report in which he emphasized the “importance, mission and historical significance of the 80-day Campaign in successfully concluding the year-end drive this significant year and greeting the 8th Congress of the Party with significance by furthering the revolutionary fighting spirit that has become remarkably high with the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Party as an occasion.”

PPJ said that the “80-day Campaign, the first of its kind in the history of our Party, has begun ahead of the Party, for the safety of people’s lives and the stability of their living true to the noble intention of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n)” and he “ardently appealed to all to make dynamic advancements to greet the 8th Congress of the Party with proud victory by holding high the flame of the 80-day Campaign in hearty response to the appeal of the great Party.”

Pyongyang City KWP Commitee Chairman Kim Yong Hwan “stressed that 80 days left are the most essential and crucial period in which it will be decided whether we make greater strides forward in the general advance or make a retreat.”  He “stressed that all the officials, Party members and other people of the capital should rise up before others in the 80-day Campaign, clearly show the world what the Pyongyang people spared and put forward by the Supreme Leader are and devotedly safeguard the 8th Congress of the Party.”

DPRK Vice Premier Im Chol Ung “called for putting priority efforts on protecting the lives of the people and the security of the country from the vicious contagious disease so that no pore would be made in the anti-epidemic wall built with much effort by our Party” and Im “stressed the need for the officials of the Cabinet, commissions, ministries, national institutions to enter the hall for the 8th Congress of the Party with dignity by unconditionally carrying out the fighting goals set forth for their own fields and units.”

Youth League Central Committee Chairman Pak Chol Min (Pak Ch’o’l-min) “confirmed his pledge to strikingly manifest the honor of being the reserves of the WPK by preparing gifts of loyalty going by the name ‘Youth’ for the great Party and the great country in the 80-day Campaign toward the 8th Congress of the Party.”

Lt. General Kang Sun Nam “stressed that he would devotedly safeguard the 8th Congress of the Party by writing proud feats and admirable military exploits in the 80-day Campaign Record and fully demonstrating the militant stamina and bravery as the army of the revolutionary”

The rally ended with an oath to KJU and then a demonstration by participants.

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This article was written on 14 Oct 2020, and is filled under 75th Anniversary of WPK, 80 Day Campaign (2020), 8th Party Congress, Cadre Affairs, Central Committee, Central Military Committee, chemical facilities, Choe Hwi (PAD], Col. Gen. Kim Song Chol, colonel general, Comprehensive Affairs, critical infrastructure, DPRK Cabinet, DPRK Disaster Relief, Economic Complexes, Education Commission, Financial Planning Department, Five Year Economic Plan and Development Strategy (2016), flood damage 2020, food production, Gen Kim Jong Gwan, Gen. Ri Yong Gil, Guard Command, ideological slogans, Im Chol Ung (DPRK Vice Premier WPK PB), Kim Family, Kim Il Sung Youth League, Kim Jae Ryong (Jagang WPK Provincial Committee Chief Secretary), Kim Jong-un, Kim Tok Hun, Kim Yong Hwan (PY Party), kisyl, Ko In Ho, Korean People's Internal Security Forces, Korean People's Army (KPA), Korean Workers' Party (KWP), KPA General Logistics Department, KPA General Political Bureau, KPA General Political Department, land and enviroment, Lecture Guidance, Light Industry Department, Local Party Affairs, Lt. Gen. Kang Sun Nam, Lt. Gen. Kim Jong Gwan (MPAF), mines, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Chemical Industry, Ministry of Electronic Industry, Ministry of Extractive Industries, Ministry of Food and Consumer Goods, Ministry of Foodstuffs and Daily Necessities, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Land and Environmental Protection, Ministry of Machine-Building Industry, Ministry of Metal Industry, Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, Ministry of Mining and Metallurgy, Ministry of Mining Industry, Ministry of People's Security engineering units, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of the People's Armed Forces (MPAF), North Korean press, Organization and Guidance Department, Pak Pong Ju, Pak Tae Dok (N. Hwanghae WPK), Pak Thae Song (KWP CC Dept), party life, Political Bureau, population control, power plants, Provincial Party Committees, Provinicial People's Committee, Public Events, Pyongyang City People's Committee, Pyongyang Defense Command, Pyongyang WPK Committee, Ri Il Hwan, Secretariat, social control, State Affairs Commission, State Planning Commission (SPC), Uncategorized, Workers' and Social Organizations, Young Red Guard, Youth Shock Brigades.

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