North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

Guesstimating NK Troop Presence in Eastern Europe

According to the US Government, North Korea has about 12,000 personnel deployed to Russia.  Using the few, scant accurate details about the Korean People’s Army (KPA) deployment we might attain a general sense of the […]

Jan, 10

Kim Kyong Ok’s 85th

DPRK state media and the Party History Institute have released Volume 33 of a documentary film series on deceased core elite.  This series compiles short biographies on the careers of recently deceased North Korean officials.  […]

Oct, 06

KJU Hosts Dinner for Navy Day (updated 30 August)

Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n; KJU) hosted a banquet with Korean People’s Army [KPA] Navy command and political command staff on 27 August (Saturday).  The event appeared to have taken place on the premises of […]

Aug, 29

March Missile Mania Is Over (and let’s stop predicting #7)

Three events capped off Kim Jong Un’s (Kim Cho’ng-u’n; KJU) March Missile Mania, including his inspection of war heads at the Nuclear Weapons Institute [NWI]. From 25 to 27 March (Saturday through Monday), the DPRK […]

Apr, 04

KJU Supervises Tactical Nuclear Counterattack Drill

The Korean People’s Army [KPA], Missile Guidance Bureau and Nuclear Weapons Institute staged a two-day nuclear command and control [NC2] drill which simulated a tactical nuclear weapons’ counterattack on 18 March (Saturday) and 19 March […]

Mar, 22

KJU Inspects “Fire Assault Drill” of KPA Artillery unit

Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n; KJU) inspected a Korean People’s Army [KPA] Hwasong artillery company and observed a “fire assault drill” on 9 March (Thursday).  Among those in attendance with KJU was his daughter Kim […]

Mar, 14

KPA GS Accuses ROK of Firing Artillery Shells

  The Korean People’s Army [KPA] General Staff accused ROK forces of firing 30+ artillery rounds during a 7 March (Tuesday) training exercise in Paju, Gyeonggi (Kyonggi) Province.  The ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff denied […]

Mar, 08


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