North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

KJU Supervises Tactical Nuclear Counterattack Drill

The Korean People’s Army [KPA], Missile Guidance Bureau and Nuclear Weapons Institute staged a two-day nuclear command and control [NC2] drill which simulated a tactical nuclear weapons’ counterattack on 18 March (Saturday) and 19 March […]

Mar, 22

DPRK Cabinet Party Committee holds meeting

The Workers’ Party of Korea [WPK] Committee of the DPRK Cabinet (hereafter, the Cabinet Party Committee) held an expanded meeting on 15 March (Wednesday) as a follow-up to the last Central Committee plenum meeting. DPRK […]

Mar, 16

CMC Holds Meeting

The Workers’ Party of Korea [WPK] Central Military Commission [CMC] met in an enlarged session (or held on an expansion basis) at the WPK Central Committee Office Building on 12 March (Sunday).  Technically, this was […]

Mar, 14

Central Committee Plenum Opens

The 6th plenum (plenary meeting) of the 8th Workers’ Party of Korea [WPK] Central Committee opened at the Central Committee Office Building (WPK Central Committee Office Complex #1) in Pyongyang on 26 December (Monday).  The […]

Dec, 28

Construction in KJU’s Backyard

Satellite imagery shows a combination of ongoing and finished construction projects in two VIP areas in central Pyongyang.  These VIP areas are located in central Pyongyang’s “Forbidden City” where Kim Jong Un (KJU; Kim Cho’ng-u’n) […]

Aug, 21

Hyon Chol Hae Funeral Held

A funeral and graveside service were held on 22 May (Sunday) for Marshal Hyon Chol Hae (Hyo’n Ch’o’l-hae), a retired senior Korean People’s Army [KPA] official.  Hyon died on 19 May (Thursday) at the age […]

May, 24

Power Organizations’ Personnel Registers (as of now)

The ROK Ministry of Unification [MOU] recently provided an update to the personnel of North Korea’s power organizations.  Below, please find a selection of power organizations and their current personnel.   Political Bureau  Presidium  KJU  […]

Mar, 31


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