North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

KJU Inspects “Fire Assault Drill” of KPA Artillery unit

Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n; KJU) inspected a Korean People’s Army [KPA] Hwasong artillery company and observed a “fire assault drill” on 9 March (Thursday).  Among those in attendance with KJU was his daughter Kim […]

Mar, 14

KPA GS Accuses ROK of Firing Artillery Shells

  The Korean People’s Army [KPA] General Staff accused ROK forces of firing 30+ artillery rounds during a 7 March (Tuesday) training exercise in Paju, Gyeonggi (Kyonggi) Province.  The ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff denied […]

Mar, 08

Kim Yo Jong Issues Communique

Kim Yo Jong (Kim Yo’-cho’ng), top aide in Kim Jong Un’s Personal Secretariat [KJUPS], member of the DPRK State Affairs Commission [SAC], and deputy director of the Workers’ Party of Korea [WPK] Propaganda and Agitation […]

Mar, 07

FM Comms Office Issues Statement

The Foreign Ministry’s comms department’s Foreign News Section issued a statement about joint US-ROK military exercises on 6 March (Monday): Despite our repeated warnings, the US intentionally continues to aggravate the situation in the Korean […]

Mar, 07

VFM Issues Communique on US-ROK Exercises and UN

DPRK Vice Foreign Minister for International Organizations, Kim Son Gyong (Kim So’n-kyo’ng), issued a statement on 4 March (Saturday) explicating recent military exercises on the Korean Peninsula and the responses of the United Nations [UN] […]

Mar, 07

Disarmament Institute Researcher Publishes Article

KCNA disseminated an article by Ku Yong Chol (Ku Yo’ng-ch’o’l), of the DPRK Foreign Ministry’s Institute for Disarmament and Peace on Saturday (4 March).  Ku wrote: The international community is deeply concerned about the reality […]

Mar, 07

2023 Chronology of Missile and Military Events

The following is a rolling chronology of ballistic missile events (drills and test firings), military engagement and external military exercises (US-ROK, US-JP and US-ROK-JP) that occur in and around the the Korean Peninsula during 2023.  […]

Feb, 19


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