The Korean People’s Army [KPA] General Staff accused ROK forces of firing 30+ artillery rounds during a 7 March (Tuesday) training exercise in Paju, Gyeonggi (Kyonggi) Province. The ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff denied using firing artillery and said the KPA General Staff’s claims were “groundless and far-fetched”
According to the KPA General Staff, on the morning of 7 March, “the enemy fired more than 30 artillery shells at the Cho-ri shooting range in Jindong-myeon, P’aju City of Kyonggi Province, situated in the forward area of the western front.” The KPA General Staff said the alleged artillery volleys were a “grave military provocation further aggravating the prevailed situation.”
The General Staff said that at around 9:00 KST, elements of the II Army Corps were ordered “to get on the firepower alert posture for attack and it kept the enemy movement under observation and took a step to intensify the overall front guard and the anti-aircraft artillery combat duty.” The General Staff warned the ROK “to stop at once the provocative military actions in the area of the Military Demarcation Line.”
The ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff said that “there was no artillery fire by our forces in the area claimed by North Korea” and that the “announcement of the North Korean army’s General Staff is not true and a groundless and far-fetched claim.”