North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

KJU Attends Concert with Participants of Conference of Party Cell Chairs

Kim Jong Un responds to audience applause during a concert given for participants in the 5th Conference of Party Cell Chairs in Pyongyang on December 29, 2017 (Photo: Rodong Sinmun).

Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) attended a concert given for participants in the 5th Conference of Party Cell Chairs in Pyongyang on December 29 (Friday).  Among those in attendance were Kim Yo Jong [Kim Yo-cho’ng], Workers Party of Korea [WPK] Vice Chairman and State Affairs Commission Vice Chairman Choe Ryong Hae [Ch’oe Ryong-hae], WPK Vice Chairmen and Executive Policy Council Members Pak Kwang Ho [Pak Kwang-ho], Kim Phyong Hae [Kim P’yo’ng-hae], Thae Jong Su [T’ae Cho’ng-su], O Su Yong [O Su-yo’ng], An Jong Su [An Cho’ng-su], Pak Thae Song [Pak T’ae-so’ng], Choe Hwi [Ch’oe Hwi], Pak Thae Dok [Pak T’ae-dok], WPK Control Commission Chairman Jo Yon Jun [Cho Yo’n-cun],  WPK Central Committee Department Directors and Senior Deputy Directors Kim Kyong Ok [Kim Kyo’ng-ok], Ri Man Gon [Ri Man-ko’n], Ju Yong Sik [Chu Yo’ng-sik], Min Pyong Chol [Min Pyo’ng-ch’o’l] and Ri Chol Man [Ri Ch’o’l-man], Pyongyang WPK Committee Chairman Kim Su Gil [Kim Su-kil], Namp’o WPK Committee Chairman Kang Yang Mo [Kang Yang-mo], Raso’n WPK Committee Chairman Rim Kyong Man [Rim Kyo’ng-man], South P’yo’ngan WPK Provincial Committee Chairman Kim Tu Il [Kim Tu-il], North P’yo’ngan WPK Provincial Committee Chairman Kim Nung O [Kim Nu’ng-o], Chagang WPK Provincial Committee Chairman Kim Jae Gyong [Kim Chae-kyo’ng], Yanggang WPK Provincial Committee Chairman Ri Sang Won [Ri Sang-wo’n], North Hamgyo’ng WPK Provincial Committee Chairman Ri Hi Yong [Ri Hi-yo’ng], South Hamgyo’ng WPK Provincial Committee Chairman Kim Song Il [Kim So’ng-il], Kangwo’n WPK Provincial Committee Chairman Pak Jong Nam [Pak Cho’ng-nam], South Hwanghae WPK Provincial Committee Chairman Choe Jong Ryong [Ch’oe Cho’ng-ryong] and North Hwanghae WPK Provincial Committee Chairman Ryang Jong Hun [Ryang Cho’ng-hun].

The Merited State Choir performs at a concert for participants in the 5th Conference of Party Cell Chairs on December 29, 2017 (Photo: Rodong Sinmun/KCNA).

Senior WPK officials clap during a concert given for the participants in the 5th Conference of Party Cell Chairs on December 29, 2017. Seen sitting with KJU (L-R) are: Kim Yo Jong, Pak Thae Song, O Su Yong, Kim Phyong Hae, Choe Ryong Hae, Pak Kwang Ho, Thae Jong Su (partially obscured) and An Jong Su (Photo: Rodong Sinmun/KCNA).

The concert consisted of performances by the Merited State Choir [State Merited Chorus] and the Moranbong Band  and the play list included “We Have a Great Party,” “The Party is My Mother and “Fly High, Our Party Flag.”  The singers and players “made an epic and impressive depiction of the glorious path covered by the WPK” and vividly represented the Korean army and people’s deep reverence and trust in their Supreme Leader who guides the revolutionary cause of Chuch’e always along the road of victory by glorifying the WPK as the glorious Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist party and developing it into the ever-victorious staff of the revolution that is deeply rooted among the popular masses.”  The concert “show the iron faith and will of the Korean army and people to vigorously advance along the road of Chuch’e revolution for the final victory of socialism under the guidance of the Supreme Leader.”

View of the concert and venue (Photo: KCNA/Rodong Sinmun).

View of senior DPRK officials at the concert. Seated in the loge on the left, behind the KJU VIP seats, are WPK Provincial and City Committee Chairmen and senior staff of the Personal Secretariat. In the first row of the loge on the right are WPK Central Committee Department Directors and Deputy Directors, in the second row are senior officials of the WPK Organization Guidance Department and the Personal Secretariat. Below the red bunting with the WPK symbol are members of Jong Un’s close security escort and photographers and videographers for the #5 Documentary Office of the Korean Central News Agency (Photo: Rodong Sinmun/caption and notes by NK Leadership Watch/38North).


When the concert concluded the audience “broke into thunderous cheers of ‘hurrah!’ in token of their reverence for the Supreme Leader.”  Kim Jong Un expressed his “belief that the party cell chairpersons would fulfill their mission and duty as the primary political workers of the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist party in strengthening our Party organizationally and ideologically and promoting the revolutionary cause of Chuch’e, the socialist cause.”

A bird’s eye view of the concert venue (Photo: KCNA/Rodong Sinmun).


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This article was written on 31 Dec 2017, and is filled under "self-development first" slogan, 4th Meeting of Party Cell Secretaries, 5th Party Cells Meeting, Agriculture Department, An Jong Su (WPK LID), basic party organizations, Cadre Affairs, Central Committee, Central Military Committee, Central Party Affairs/Cadres 5th Section, central party life, Choe Hwi (PAD], Choe Jong Ryong [SHW WPK], Choe Ryong Hae, Comprehensive Affairs, county/city party organizations, Events Management Section, Executive Policy Bureau, Financial Planning Department, Five Year Economic Plan and Development Strategy (2016), General Affairs, Guard Command, ideological slogans, Ideological Works, Information Section, internal security, Jagang KWP Provincial Committee, Jo Yon Jun (OGD), Kang Yang Mo, Kangwo'n Provincial KWP Committee, Kim Chong-un inspections, Kim Family, Kim Jae Ryong (Jagang WPK Provincial Committee Chief Secretary), Kim Jong Un Visits, Kim Jong-un, Kim Kyong Ok (OGD), Kim Nung O (NPyongan WPK), Kim Phyong Hae (Cadres/NPYPPC), Kim Song Il, Kim Tu Il, Kim Yo Jong, KJI Personal Secretariat, KJI-Ko Yong Hui Family, Korean People's Internal Security Forces, Korean Workers' Party (KWP), KPA basic party organizations, KPA branch party organizations, KPA General Political Bureau, KPA General Political Department, KPA General Propaganda Department, KPA Organization Department, KPA Party Life, Local Party Affairs, local people's committees, Lt. Gen. Kim Su Gil, Machine Building Industry Department, Merited State Choir, Min Pyong Chol [OGD], Ministry of State Security, Ministry of the People's Armed Forces (MPAF), MPAF GPB, Namp'o WPK Committee, North Hamgyo'ng Province, North Hamgyo'ng Provincial People's Committee, North Hwanghae Provincial KWP Committee, North Pyongan KWP Provincial Committee, Notification, O Su Yong, Organization and Guidance Department, Pak Jong Nam (Kangwon WPK PC), Pak Kwang Ho (PAD), Pak Tae Dok (N. Hwanghae WPK), Pak Thae Song (KWP CC Dept), party cells, Party elders, party life, Party Life Guidance, Political Bureau, primary party committees, Provincial Party Committees, Provincial Party System, Provinicial People's Committee, Pyongyang Defense Command, Pyongyang WPK Committee, Raso'n WPK Committee, Ri Chol Man (DPRK Vice Premier/Minister of AG), Ri Hi Yong [NHAM WPK PC], Ri Man Gon (N. P'yo'ngan WPK PC), Ri Sang Won (Yanggang WPK PC), Rim Kyong Man (Raso'n WPK), Ryang Jong Hun [NHWA WPK PC], Ryanggang KWP Provincial Committee, Secretariat, social control, South Hamgyo'ng KWP Provincial Committee, South Hwanghae KWP Provincial Committee, South P'yo'ngan KWP Provincial Committee, State Affairs Commission, State Security Department, Supreme People's Assembly, Tae Jong Su, Workers' and Social Organizations.

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