North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

KJU Observes Hypersonic IRBM Test

  Kim Jong Un (KJU; Kim Cho’ng-u’n) gave himself an early birthday present (8 January) and observed the test firing of an intermediate-range [IRBM] hypersonic missile during the early afternoon [KST] of 6 January.  Also […]

Jan, 06

Kim Yo Jong’s Kids are Alright

The North Korean leadership gathered at Kim Il Sung Stadium in central Pyongyang for its fabulous New Year’s Eve concert.  Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-un) presided over the event with his Respected Daughter, Kim Ju […]

Jan, 01

KJU Hosts Dinner for Navy Day (updated 30 August)

Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n; KJU) hosted a banquet with Korean People’s Army [KPA] Navy command and political command staff on 27 August (Saturday).  The event appeared to have taken place on the premises of […]

Aug, 29

Kim Family Home Makeover in Sinu’iju?

Daily NK reports that the Kim Family compound on the outskirts of Sinu’iju is undergoing a three-month renovation.  The construction work began during July and if DNK’s source is correct, it will probably continue until […]

Aug, 15

Kim Ju Ae Watch

With Kim Jong Un’s inspection of the DPRK National Aerospace Development Agency [NADA], Kim Ju has attended and participated in her twelfth observed public appearance since November 2022.  Numerous theories have been offered up as […]

Apr, 20

Try to Understand: He’s Mosaic Man

The ROK NIS has speculated that a senior Korean People’s Army [KPA] official who attended a 19 March ballistic missile drill along side Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) and Kim Ju Ae (Kim Chu-a’e) is […]

Apr, 04

KJU Supervises Tactical Nuclear Counterattack Drill

The Korean People’s Army [KPA], Missile Guidance Bureau and Nuclear Weapons Institute staged a two-day nuclear command and control [NC2] drill which simulated a tactical nuclear weapons’ counterattack on 18 March (Saturday) and 19 March […]

Mar, 22


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