North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

Kim Yo Jong’s Kids are Alright

The North Korean leadership gathered at Kim Il Sung Stadium in central Pyongyang for its fabulous New Year’s Eve concert.  Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-un) presided over the event with his Respected Daughter, Kim Ju […]

Jan, 01

Final Day of the Central Committee Plenum

The fourth and final day of the 7th plenary meeting of the 8th Workers’ Party of Korea [WPK] Central Committee was held at the conference hall of the Central Committee Office Building  on 1 March […]

Mar, 03

KJU Attends Groundbreaking of Sop’o Apartment Complex

Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) attended a groundbreaking ceremony for construction of an apartment complex in Sop’o neighborhood in Pyongyang on 25 February (Saturday).  Also in attendance was his daughter, Kim Ju Ae (Kim Chu-a’e), […]

Feb, 28

Construction in KJU’s Backyard

Satellite imagery shows a combination of ongoing and finished construction projects in two VIP areas in central Pyongyang.  These VIP areas are located in central Pyongyang’s “Forbidden City” where Kim Jong Un (KJU; Kim Cho’ng-u’n) […]

Aug, 21

Concert and Fireworks Mark 69th Anniversary of FLW

Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) and his wife Ri Sol Ju (Ri So’l-chu) attended a large concert and fireworks display commemorating the 69th anniversary of the armistice of the Fatherland Liberation (Korean) War was held […]

Jul, 30

Man of the Hour: Kim Song Nam

On 11 March, Syrian Ambassador to the DPRK, Tammam Sulaiman, went around the Mansudae Assembly Hall for a series of goodbye visits with his DPRK counterparts.  One of Ambassador Sulaiman’s fare well interactions was with […]

Mar, 22

KJU and RSJ Attend DOTSS Concert

Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) and his wife Ri Sol Ju (Ri So’l-chu) attended a concert at Mansudae Art Theater in central Pyongyang on Tuesday (16 February) to mark the Day of the Shining Star, […]

Feb, 17


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