North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

Plenary Personnel

North Korea made a series of personnel changes during the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) 11th plenary session, held December 23-December 27.  Although some analyses make far too much of the correlation between personnel and […]

Jan, 04

Memorial Events Held to Mark Death of Marshal Hyon Chol Hae

DPRK elites marked the one-year anniversary of the death of KPA Marshal Hyon Chol Hae (Hyo’n Ch’o’l-hae) on 19 May (Friday). Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n; KJU) and Minister of National Defense Gen. Kang Sun […]

May, 21

Choe Ryong Hae Taken Down a Notch

Supreme People’s Assembly [SPA] Presidium Chairman Choe Ryong Hae (Ch’oe Ryong-hae) appears to have been taken down a peg in the regime’s formal hierarchy.  In a 15 August (Monday) DPRK state media report on the […]

Aug, 16

Concert and Fireworks Mark 69th Anniversary of FLW

Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) and his wife Ri Sol Ju (Ri So’l-chu) attended a large concert and fireworks display commemorating the 69th anniversary of the armistice of the Fatherland Liberation (Korean) War was held […]

Jul, 30

Hyon Chol Hae Funeral Held

A funeral and graveside service were held on 22 May (Sunday) for Marshal Hyon Chol Hae (Hyo’n Ch’o’l-hae), a retired senior Korean People’s Army [KPA] official.  Hyon died on 19 May (Thursday) at the age […]

May, 24

KJU Arranges Banquet and Performance for PRC Delegation

KJU’s last observed appearance was his attendance at a mass games performance on September 9 Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) and his wife Ri Sol Ju (Ri So’l-chu) attended a concert at Mansudae Art Theater […]

Sep, 12

Kim Yong Chun Funeral Held

KJU’s last observed appearance was his visit to Samjiyo’n County with Ri Sol Ju A funeral was held for Marshal Kim Yong Chun (Kim Yo’ng-ch’un) on August 20 (Monday).  Among the senior DPRK officials who […]

Aug, 22


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