North Korea made a series of personnel changes during the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) 11th plenary session, held December 23-December 27. Although some analyses make far too much of the correlation between personnel and […]
The Workers’ Party of Korea [WPK] Munitions Industry Department [MID] currently has two senior deputy directors (a/k/a 1st Vice Directors), Kim Jong Sik (Kim Cho’ng-sik) and Hong Sung Mu (Hong Su’ng-mu). Kim was promoted some […]
Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n; KJU) hosted a banquet with Korean People’s Army [KPA] Navy command and political command staff on 27 August (Saturday). The event appeared to have taken place on the premises of […]
Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) visited Anbyo’n County, Kangwo’n to inspect storm damage from the Khanun typhoon. Also in attendance were DPRK Premier Kim Tok Hun (Kim Tok-hun), Workers’ Party of Korea Secretary for Organizational […]
The 6th plenum (plenary meeting) of the 8th Workers’ Party of Korea [WPK] Central Committee opened at the Central Committee Office Building (WPK Central Committee Office Complex #1) in Pyongyang on 26 December (Monday). The […]
A meeting commemorating the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of the DPRK Constitution was held at Mansudae Assembly Hall on 26 December (Monday). According to DPRK state media, the meeting “marked a significant occasion which […]
The following is a rolling chronology of ballistic missile events (drills and test firings), artillery shelling incidents and external military exercises (US-ROK, US-JP and US-ROK-JP) that have occurred in and around the Korean Peninsula since […]