North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

Senior DPRK Officials Visit Ku’msusan to Mark Anniversary of KIS’ Demise

Photo: Rodong Sinmun

Senior DPRK officials visited Ku’msusan Palace of the Sun in Pyongyang at midnight on July 8 (Sunday), the 24th anniversary of the death of DPRK President and founder Kim Il Sung (Kim Il-so’ng).

Among the senior officials observed visiting Ku’msusan were: Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) Presidium President Kim Yong Nam (Kim Yo’ng-nam), Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) and State Affairs Commission Vice Chairman and WPK Organization Guidance Department Director Choe Ryong Hae (Ch’oe Ryong-hae), DPRK Premier and State Affairs Commission Vice Chairman Pak Pong Ju (Pak Pong-chu), SPA Presidium Vice President Yang Hyong Sop (Yang Hyo’ng-sop), WPK Vice Chairman and WPK Propganda and Agitation Department Director Pak Kwang Ho (Pak Kwang-ho), WPK Vice Chairman for Science and Education Pak Thae Song (Pak T’ae-so’ng), WPK Vice Chairman and WPK Cadres’ Affairs Department Director Kim Phyong Hae (Kim P’yo’ng-hae),  WPK Vice Chairman and WPK United Front Department Director Kim Yong Chol (Kim Yo’ng-ch’o’l), DPRK Vice Premier and State Planning Commission Chairman Ro Tu Chol (Ro Tu-ch’o’l), WPK Vice Chairman for Workers’ and Social Organizations and National Sports Guidance Commission Chairman Choe Hwi (Ch’oe Hwi), DPRK Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho (Ri Yo’ng-ho), WPK Organization Guidance Department Senior Deputy Director Ri Man Gon (Ri Man-ko’n), WPK Central Inspection (Control) Commission Jo Yon Jun (Cho Yo’n-chun), SPA Chairman (speaker) Choe Thae Bok (Ch’oe T’ae-pok), SPA Presidium Vice President and Korea Social Democratic Party Central Committee Chairman Kim Yong Dae (Kim Yo’ng-tae), WPK Agriculture Department Director Ri Chol Man (Ri Ch’o’l-man), WPK Workers’ and Social Organizations Department Director Ri Il Hwan (Ri Il-hwan), WPK Economic Affairs Department Director Han Kwang Sang (Han Kwang-sang), WPK Finance and Accounting Department Director Kim Yong Su (Kim Yo’ng-su),WPK Military Affairs Department Director and Worker-Peasant Red Guard Commanding Officer Ri Yong Rae (Ri Yo’ng-rae), WPK United Front Department Deputy Director Ri Son Gwon (Ri So’n-kwon), WPK Munitions Industry Department Deputy Director Hong Sung Mu (Hong Su’ng-mu), WPK Munitions Industry Department Deputy Director Hong Yong Chil (Hong Yo’ng-ch’il) and Rodong Sinmun Executive Editor Kim Pyong Ho (Kim Pyo’ng-ho).

Visitors from the Korean People’s Army (KPA) and internal security services included Minister of the People’s Armed Forces Gen. No Kwang Chol (No Kwang-ch’o’l), Minister of People’s Security Gen. Choe Pu Il (Choe Pu-il), 1st Vice Minister of the People’s Armed Forces and KPA General Logistical Department Director Gen. So Hong Chan (So Hong-ch’an) and Vice Minister of the People’s Armed Forces Col. Gen. Kim Hyong Ryong (Kim Hyong-ryong).  Visitors who are semi-retired from the DPRK’s daily affairs, but who are retained for their advice and experience included: former WPK Organization Guidance Department Senior Deputy Director Kim Kyong Ok (Kim Kyo’ng-ok), former WPK Vice Chairman and former WPK Propaganda and Agitation Department Director Kim Ki Nam (Kim Ki-nam), former WPK Vice Chairman and former WPK Planning and Finance Director Kwak Pom Gi (Kwak Pom-ki), former WPK Finance and Accounting Department Senior Deputy Director and Office #39 boss Jon Il Chun (Cho’n Il-ch’un) and former WPK Propaganda and Agitation Department Senior Deputy Director Ri Jae Il (Ri Ch’ae-il).  Also visiting Ku’msusan were WPK Central Committee Members and Alternate (candidate) Members, DPRK Cabinet Ministers, leading cadres and functionaries of the Party and DPRK Government and national institutions, and members of the KPA High Command and senior managers of the DPRK’s internal security and intelligence communities.

A KPA honor guard placed a floral basket from Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n), a basket sent jointly by the WPK Central Committee, WPK Central Military Commission and State Affairs Commission, and a basket sent jointly by the SPA Presidium and the DPRK Cabinet in front of the Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il (Kim Cho’ng-il) statues.  The visitors “paid tribute” to the statues.  They moved onto the chambers containing the preserved remains of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and “made bows.”


This article was written on 08 Jul 2018, and is filled under 2nd Academy of Natural Science, Agriculture Department, Atomic Weapons Institute, Ballistic Missile Guidance Bureau, Cadre Affairs, Central Committee, Central Military Committee, Central Party Affairs/Cadres 5th Section, Choe Hwi (PAD], Choe Ryong Hae, Choe Tae Bok, Col. Gen. Kim Hyong Ryong, Col. Gen. So Hong Chan, Col. Gen. Yun Tong Hyon (MPAF), Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland, DPRK Cabinet, DPRK Premier, Events Management Section, Executive Policy Bureau, Finance and Accounting, Financial Planning Department, Gen. Choe Pu Il, Gen. Kim Yong Chol, Gen. Yun Jong Rin, Gen. Yun Tong Hyon, General Affairs, Guard Command, Han Kwang Sang, Hong Sung Mu, Hong Yong Chil (KWP MBID), Information Section, Jo Yon Jun (OGD), Jon Il Chun, Jon Kwang Ho, Kim Family, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un, Kim Ki Nam, Kim Ki-nam, Kim Kyong Ok (OGD), Kim Phyong Hae (Cadres/NPYPPC), Kim Pyong Ho (PAD), Kim Yong Dae, Kim Yong Nam, Kim Yong Su (WPK CC DD), KJI Personal Secretariat, Ko In Ho, Korean People's Internal Security Forces, Korean People's Army (KPA), Korean Social Democratic Party, Korean Workers' Party (KWP), KPA Cadres Bureau, KPA General Logistics Department, KPA General Political Bureau, KPA General Political Department, KPA General Staff, KPA Party Life, KPA supernumerary organizations, kpif, Kwak Pom Gi, KWP Science and Education Department, Machine Building Industry Department, military security command [msc], Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ministry of people's security, Ministry of State Security, Ministry of the People's Armed Forces (MPAF), National Academy of Defense Sciences, North Korean press, Notification, Organization and Guidance Department, Pak Kwang Ho (PAD), Pak Pong Ju, Pak Thae Song (KWP CC Dept), Party elders, Party History Institute, party life, Party Life Guidance, Political Bureau, Propaganda and Agitation Department, Provincial Party System, Provinicial People's Committee, Public Events, Public Information Commission, Publication Guidance Bureau, Pyongyang Defense Command, Pyongyang WPK Committee, Ri Chol Man (DPRK Vice Premier/Minister of AG), Ri Il Hwan, Ri Jae Il (PAD), Ri Ju O (DPRK Vice Premier), Ri Man Gon (N. P'yo'ngan WPK PC), Ri Son Gwon (CPRC/UFD), Ri Yong Ho (FA), Ro Tu Chol, Second Economic Committee, Second Economy Commission, Secretariat, State Affairs Commission, State Planning Commission (SPC), State Security Department, Supreme People's Assembly, Third Floor, United Front Department, VADM Kim Myong Sik (KPAN), Worker Peasant Red Guard, Workers' and Social Organizations, WPK Economic Affairs Dept, Yang Hyong Sop, Yun Jong Rin, Yun Tong Hyon.

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