DPRK state media reported on February 6, 2017 (Monday) that a meeting at the People’s Palace of Culture concerning land and environmental protection. In attendance were State Affairs Commission (SAC) vice chair and DPRK Premier Pak Pong Ju (Pak Pong-chu), Central Committee (CC) vice chair and Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) vice chair O Su Yong (O Su-yo’ng), Minister of Land and Environmental Protection Kim Kyong Jun (Kim Kyo’ng-ch’un), head of the State Planning Commission and DPRK Vice Premier Ro Tu Chol (Ro Tu-ch’o’l), and the first significant leadership appearance of DPRK Vice Premier Jon Kwang Ho along with other senior Cabinet Ministers and officials, leading WPK officials and cadres and various functionaries and officials of national institutions, workers’ and social organizations and internal security officials.”
The meeting “analyzed and reviewed the successes and lessons gained in the forest restoration campaign and general mobilization for land management last year and discussed measures for achieving greater successes….this year.” The meeting also “reviewed deviations manifested in the forest restoration campaign and the general mobilization for land management last year.”
Jon Kwang Ho gave a report at the meeting which was followed by speeches. A video about “last year’s forest restoration campaign and general mobilization for land management” was screened.