North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

Kim Jong Un on Guidance Tour with KJI in Sinuiju?

Kim Family Residences near Songhan-ri in south Sinuiju, North Pyongan Province (Photo:KCNA)

On 19 June 2010 Korean Central Broadcasting Station reported that Kim Jong Il conducted a guidance tour of the Rakwon Machine Complex and visited a newly constructed football stadium.  According to reports in the North Korean border town, KJI was joined by his youngest son, hereditary successor Kim Jong Un, and they were said to have stayed at the Kim Family residence in Songhan-ri.  KJI also was rumored to have visited the Siniuju Cosmetics Factory, which was reported neither by KCNA nor KCBS.  According to KCNA’s official report on his visit to the Rakwon Machine Complex “sweeping with the great hot wind of a great upswing”:

He made the rounds of various places including the technologically updated hydraulic apparatus shop and the construction machine designing institute to acquaint himself in detail with the technical equipment and production. He highly estimated the shining successes made by the workers there.

Having the Rakwon Machine Complex and other machine-building bases which have been put on a high level of CNC basis, we can manufacture any large-size machines if we have a will, he said, adding that this stirring reality eloquently proves that the Juche-oriented machine-building industry of the DPRK has proudly attained the world level of the latest science and technology.

It is the great achievement that the complex laid a firm technological foundation for bringing the hydraulic technology to the world level in a brief span of time, he noted, calling on the people to push back the frontiers of latest science as required by the age of knowledge-based economy when carrying out technological updating just as it was done by the complex.

Very pleased that the workers of the complex have brought about eye-opening miracles and innovations in their worthwhile drive to achieve the prosperity of the country and improve the standard of people’s living, he repeatedly appreciated their efforts.

KJI conducts an inspection tour of the Rakwon Machine Complex (Photo: KCNA)

Shin Joo Hyun reports on the area gossip in Daily NK:

Daily NK sources say Kim stayed in a villa in Songhan-dong with successor and third son Kim Jong Eun. Revealing the news earlier today, Chosun Central News Agency (KCNA) reported that Kim also conducted an onsite inspection at a cosmetics factory and visited Rakwon Machine Complex and a newly constructed football stadium.

According to the Daily NK source, Kim also looked around Shinuiju Cosmetics Factory,

Kim Jong Un

According to the KCNA report, after Kim looked around the new stadium he told listeners, “You should improve our soldiers’ strength by effectively utilizing this football stadium.” KCNA did not reveal any details about the stadium, but reported, “It has been constructed at the foot of a beautiful mountain in a distinctive way.”

The Daily NK source also said, “Downtown Shinuiju is under the control of officials from the National Security Agency and People’s Safety Ministry. Officials are saying in whispers that Captain Kim (Jong Eun) is with the General, so cadres are expecting a lot.”

With respect to the villa in Songhan-dong, the source said, “It is around 12km from Shinuiju Station and 5km from any major streets, in a restricted area.”

Northeast Asia Matters carries a report on KJI’s recent activities, including a visit to an officers’ training school (KPA Unit 593).

Kim Jong Il inspects what KCBS describes as "a newly built modern football stadium." During his tour KCBS reported: "Comrade Kim Jong Il expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the new stadium was excellently built as required by the new century and extended high appreciation and deep thanks to the members of the North P'yo'ngan Provincial youth shock brigade for building such a stadium of eternal value." (KCNA/KCBS)

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