The editors at Asia Times are not afraid of ideas. They circulate some truly brilliant essays on global security and international commerce, as well the fringey, unrealistic ramblings of ex-60’s radical American academics (these people actually have tenure?!). Between these two extremes falls Kim Myong-chol, a nom de plum, for an Asia Times contributor and occaisional media spokesperson on behalf of the North Koreans. Mr. Kim reports that he received a PhD from the DPRK’s Academy of Social Science. What I do know about Kim Myong-chol is he’s a good writer. Some times, Mr. Kim can be too much of an ideologue, but he is obviously not bound by the rigorous communications restrictions (vigorously regulated by the State Security Department) on the Internet and external media of the North Korean press. Kim Myong-chol, posts a DPRK perspective on recent events (Wen Jiabao visit, sanctions).