North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

Kim Jong-il's Love in an Elevator


At which member of the guidance travel party is General-Secretary Kim going to hurl this apple? (Photo: KCNA)

This is an admittedly trivial posting, but KCNA has a short story about Kim Jong-il’s guidance tour of Pothonggang Shop.  Last week I posted that General-Secretary Kim was in a more laudatory, kindler, gentler General’s role in his guidance tours, but it seems during the August guidance tour he witheringly enquired of a member of his entourage why there was no elevator in the two-story shop.   Perhaps his documented health setbacks incited such concern “for the aged and women.”  Of course, General-Secretary Kim did not realize that such amenities as elevators (provided it could be constructed, unlike some Pyongyang apartment buildings) in two-story shops are also utilized by younger people who are too lazy to take the stairs.


This article was written on 28 Oct 2009, and is filled under Guidance Tours, Kim Jong-il, On the Spot Guidance.

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