North Korea Leadership Watch

Research and Analysis on the DPRK Leadership

Party Congress Supplemental

“The Workers’ Party of Korea is Chuch’e-Type Revolutionary Party Which Inherited the Glorious Tradition” by Kim Jong Il, 16 October 1982 via Pyongyang Radio/KCBS and Rodong Sinmun: a three-page treatise on party history, based on Kim Il Sung’s adolescent political activism (via the DIU) which mentions all party congresses through 1980 (translation from Korean)

“Steps Toward the Throne: Who is Kim Il-so’ng?” by Leonid VasinNezavismaya Gazeta, 29 September 1993: an account of the formation of the early North Korean leadership by Soviet authorities in 1945 including a brief mention and account of the planning of the WPK’s 1st Party Congress

WPK Charter and Bylaws (complete 2016 edition not reflecting 2021 and 2022 revisions)


Flow chart illustrating the process of a WPK Party Congress


WPK Party Organization May 2016-MaddenNKLW-USKI

Basic Party Organizations (a/k/a Party Cells and branch Party committees)



(Photo: NK Leadership Watch graphic).


Structure of City and County Party Committees


Structure of Provincial Party Committees

An affiliate of 38 North